Creativity from all angles with Monash Univerity's Dr Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway, Professor Jon McCormack, and Isabella Armstrong

Episode 34: Creativity from all angles with Monash Univerity's Dr Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway, Professor Jon McCormack, and Isabella Armstrong

Show notes

Recorded live at Monash University's recent MPower event.

Dr Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway: lecturer in the School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University.

After her PhD in Australia, Jasmina held postdoctoral fellowships at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. She came to Monash as an inaugural Margaret Clayton Women in Science fellow. She runs the highly successful program: "How to Survive on Mars: the Science Behind the Human Exploration of Mars". One of her key aims is to get people to think more creatively about how to solve challenges on earth.

Professor Jon McCormack: professor in computer science and an ARC Future Fellow, an founder and director of SensiLab.

His research interests include generative art, design and music, evolutionary systems, computer creativity, visualisation, virtual reality, interaction design, physical computing, machine learning, developmental models, and physical computing. His artworks have been widely exhibited at leading galleries, museums and symposia, including the Museum of Modern Art (New York, USA), Tate Gallery (Liverpool, UK), ACM SIGGRAPH (USA), Prix Ars Electronica (Austria) and the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (Australia).

Isabella Armstrong, Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours). She completed her Bachelor in Industrial Design last year and is currently undertaking her Honours in Industrial Design which she will finish at the end of this year. Isabella has a focus and passion for social impact design which is currently reflected in her honours project. It is focused on safety for women, specifically when they are moving from public transport to their homes and the final outcome will be a design strategy.

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Alex Wadelton

Alex Wadelton

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Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway

Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway

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Jon McCormack

Jon McCormack

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Isabella Armstrong

Isabella Armstrong

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